Ebooks: Recent submissions

  • Gopel, Maja (Springer, 2016)
    Sustainable development is the 21st Century?s wicked problem. After 40 years into this agenda have reversed only few unsustainable trends we hear the call for aparadigm shift, transformation, radical change or system ...
  • Karp, Alexander; Fulvia, Furinghetti (2016)
    This work examines the main directions of research conducted on the history of mathematics education. It devotes substantial attention to research methodologies and the connections between this field and other scholarly ...
  • Gluckler, Johannes; Lazega, Emmanuel Hammer Ingmar (Springer, 2017)
    Annotation This book discusses a core question in many fields of the social sciences, namely how to create, share and adopt new knowledge. It creates an original space for conversation between two lines of research that ...
  • Grant, Adam (Penguin, 2013)
  • The Association of Public Libraries Manager (Local Government New Zealand, 2012-08)
    Public Libraries: opening doors for enquiring minds, at the heart of communities Public libraries provide connections to knowledge, ideas and works of the imagination, anytime, everywhere, enabling individuals to turn ...
  • COL (Commonwealth of Learning, 2020-07)
    Within TVET programmes learners acquire knowledge,but also need to master practical and soft skills. Practical and soft skills can be up to 80% of a programme and may be impossible to develop online. Therefore, most TVET ...
  • Graham, Benjamin; Chatman, Seymour (ed.) (McCraw-Hill : New York, 1996)
    This is a biography of a legend on Wall Street and a founder of modern secuirty analysis. Graham was widely regarded as a brilliant, successful, and ethical and a rare trinity of attributes in the rough and tumble world ...
  • Grann, David (Doubleday: New York, 2017)
    A blockbuster bestseller novel based on historical accounts and real case studies in Osage County. David Grann cleverly captures the murder mysteries in his book. The same author also wrote other popular thriller fictions ...
  • Stanier, Michael Bungay (Box of Grayon' s Press, 2016)
    Michael Bungay Stanier distills the essentials of coaching to seven core questions. And if you master his simple yet profound technique, you’ll get a two-fer. You’ll provide more effective support to your employees and ...
  • Holiday, Ryan (Penguin, New York, 2016)
    Stoicism was a school of philosophy founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium in the early third century BC. Its name is derived from the Greek stoa, meaning porch, because that’s where Zeno first taught his students.The philosophy ...
  • Walls, Jeannette (Charles Scribner' s Son, 2005)
    The Glass Castle is a 2005 memoir by Jeannette Walls. The book recounts the unconventional, poverty-stricken upbringing Jeannette and her siblings had at the hands of their deeply dysfunctional parents. The title refers ...
  • Samoa 
    Bindon, J. R; Ember, C (eds.); Ember, R (eds.) (Kluwer Press, 2004)
  • OECD; World Trade Organization(WTO) (OECD and WTO, 2017)
    This chapter provides an overview of the report which examines trade costs and their influence on sustainable development and poverty reduction. It analyses in particular the physical and digital connectivity required to ...
  • Love, Patrick; Stockdale-Otárola, Julia (OECD, 2017-06)
  • OECD (OECD Publishing, Paris, 2020)
    As shockwaves from the COVID-19 pandemic disrupt economies around the world, growth rates in Emerging Asia are expected to contract in 2020 before rebounding in 2021. The OECD’s Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China ...
  • Beckmann, Charlene E (Grand Valley States University Libraries, 2020-05)
    Beginning Algebra Made Useful addresses the needs of learners to make sense of algebra by quantifying and generalizing everyday occurrences such as commuting to work, buying gas or pizza, and determining the better deal. ...
  • Unknown author (Grand Valley State University Libraries, 2017)
  • Lavata'i, Sanele Faasua (Fachbereich Evangelische Theologie, der Universitat Hamburg., 2016-04)
    The study intends to analyze the structure and the function of the Samoan atonement ritual ifoga by exploring it in its traditional epistemic context. This ritual will be explored from both anthropological and biblical ...
  • Statistics New Zealand, Tatauranga Aotearoa (Statistics New Zealand, Wellington., 2015-09)
    Statistics NZ is committed to unleashing the power of data to change lives. One of the ways we do that is by sharing our knowledge and expertise in designing surveys. Survey design is critical in determining quality research ...
  • Brunt, Tony (Samoa Historical & Cultural Trust, 2017)

Saili Sadil


O a'u faʻamatalaga